Monday, September 8, 2008

I Finally Left the Hotel!

Pokhara 004
Originally uploaded by susiebarber
Well, after 2 days of laying low, I broke free today. I woke up early and decided it was time for a walk. I grabbed a bottle of water and bought a pastry from a Nepali woman and walked to Devi's Fall (yes, fall singular). It was about 1.5 miles from the hotel through some very nice suburban areas. The water kinda gushes through some tunnels and down some crevaces, so you can't see the whole thing, but it was nice anyways. After, I crossed the street and went into a cave. Unfortunately, only the first part was open, so you couldn't see the underground falls -- just a tacky temple they put in there.

But now I'm back and ready for a nap. I'm getting tired very easily these days and I do have to rest up for the next part of my journey.

By the way, I've kinda done a cop out. I've heard too many stories from other tourists about how hard it is to travel solo in Egypt, especially for a woman. In fact, Lonely Planet starts their chapter on Egypt by telling you several different ways to say "Get your hands off me" in Arabic. Also, I've been told that it's really hard to find the right line for the right ticket at the various attractions, but the tour groups go right in. So I booked me a tour. Don't worry -- it's not deluxe at all. It's about $300 for 9nights. I'm still sailing on a felucca down the Nile and spending a couple of nights on board (on deck -- there's no below). But they'll be picking me up at the airport and taking me back. Since I'm on a tour in Jordan as well, and Tanzania is all taken care of by the safari company, I'm nearing the end of my being on my own. On the one hand, I'm sad about it. On the other hand, I'm really glad that I don't have to drag my luggage by myself, haggle with taxi drivers, and search desperately for a decent room to stay in.

1 comment:

marscat said...

the nile ride sounds so cool...glad you're feeling better

i think tours are great, less stress