Friday, July 25, 2008

Worst Flight of My Life

Well, here I sit looking out the window at Hong Kong Harbor. I just went through the worst flight of my life. It was LONG - over 14 hours. And while the food was surprisingly good, everything else was horrible. Half of the plane had screaming children that they didn't want to even try to control, there was garbage everywhere, the bathrooms were a mess and of the 3 bathrooms that I used, only 1 had a working sink. After about 5 hours, the woman next to me started having some serious leg pain and I volunteered to move so that she could stretch out. Well, they put me in a middle seat right next to a very smelly bathroom. Totally gross. And I was next to a Chinese guy who seemed upset that the empty seat next to him was now occupied, so he kept tossing stuff on my lap while I was trying to sleep. But it was very amusing watching him use a spoon and fork like a pair of chop sticks when eating his dinner. It didn't work so well.

Also, there was this one male flight attendant with a "I'm too cool to be here attitude". He had spiked hair, very funky glasses and was just the far side of snooty. When we prepared to land, he sat opposite me. That's when I finally saw his name tag: "Nimrod". Seriously. Who's named Nimrod?

Anyway, no more complaining. I'm in Asia (at least in an airport), am watching boats on the water, and will be on the beaches in paradise on Sunday. I'm truly excited to be doing this!


teamwelliver said...

I'm so jealous that you're in Asia! Have fun!

Bummer about the flight. I've had really good luck on int'l flights...though there are some fascinating cultural nuances that you pick up from different folks when stuck in an airplane for 8 or 9 hours.

Enjoy the trip...keep the updates coming!

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...


Anonymous said...

I remember my flight to HK oh so long ago, 16 hours from the east coast stopping in Japan first, the japanese family next to me never got up to use the facilities even once the entire flight! i had to make them move twice since I was on the inside. I was amazed!

Glad you've made it this far. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hope the rest of your flights aren't like that. Nimrod sounds like he lives up to his name...ahem.